Thursday, August 28, 2008

We're here

It was a long trip. One of our moving trucks broke down on the way up so we ended up staying an extra night in a hotel. Luckily it broke down literally 500 ft from the hotel though so it could have been worse. Now we just have to fight with Budget to reimburse us for our extra expenses.

The drive was beautiful. I felt really good about everything that was happening, had no fear at all. That is big for me. I need to remember that feeling because now, a week later, I am feeling very depressed and worried. I don't know what the future holds and that is soooo scary for me. I need balance, and stability. I don't have either right now so I feel on the verge of tears daily. Luckily I have my kids to keep me somewhat grounded though or I would likely be freaking the fuck out right now.

Collin needs to get a job!!! Once he gets one that will be a huge weight off our shoulders. He did sign up at the union hall here and will hopefully be called for a job soon. We NEED him to be called for a job soon. So keep your fingers crossed!

The house we are leasing is nice. It has a HUGE yard and Bubba has been playing in the dirt daily since we got here. I want to let Jonah out too but am afraid of the spiders I have seen here! Washington is beautiful though, despite all the bugs. There is a reason they call it the Evergreen State. So without further ado, some pics...

Some shots of the scenery while driving

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We went to Seattle yesterday, here are some pics of that

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The boys our first night here

And a couple of Jonah today in his brothers sweatshirt

Saturday, August 9, 2008

The countdown begins

Ten more days until we leave California. I can't believe it. I have only left the state a handful of times in my life and I am about to move to a State I have never been to. I am scared, excited, stressed, worried about the boys and how they will transition. I am mostly just feeling very ready to be in our new house so I can tell Bubba "THIS is home".

Words cannot even express how hard it has been for me to not have a place to call home. I am very particular about having my things and my bed and my home. Bubba is the same way. OTOH I don't really know how I am going to make it feel like home when I know it is just temporary. Do I hang pictures? Do we unpack everything? Ugh, I need to just stop stressing and take it one day at a time!

Jonah has been driving me nuts lately. He doesn't want to go to sleep no matter how tired he is. He is throwing fits left and right for tiny things. He is going to be the death of me. Bubba was such an easy baby, Jonah not so much. Of course now I have a toddler who wants to push my buttons and test his limits every chance he gets and a baby who is so strong willed I don't know what to do. But I signed up for this. What was I thinking?